Karma Chalets

62 Sane Days At Karma Lakelands

A part -time resident and a full time ‘worker’ at Karma Lakelands, this place has my heart, no doubt. However,
residing here for an occasional night, once in a blue moon was not sufficient for me to experience and do
justice to this oasis. March of 2020 presented me with a chance to do so.

Being an entrepreneur and spear-heading the Boutique Hotel KARMA CHALETS located within Karma
Lakelands, the Hotel was, and is, my second home. The unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic took us all by
surprise. Closing our doors on the 13th of March, our team got ample time to make their way back to their
respective homes safely. However, I was fortunately at Karma Lakelands when the first official Lockdown was
announced on 20th March 2020.

The Lockdown somehow brought us all ‘down to earth’ literally. On Monday, 23rd of March, a friend pointed out
– ‘the skies look more beautiful, the sun is shining brighter’. This was just Day 2 into the janta curfew. As the
days passed by, nature had time to heal. With humans out of the way, the flora and fauna received the
much-needed breathing space – something we had stolen from them for decades now.
New Delhi had seen an all time high of PM 999 in December 2019. Just a few months later, due to favorable
circumstances, the pollution levels of Delhi were down to 66! A Lockdown meant no vehicles on the road and no
factories spewing out smoke. In fact, no amount of human intervention or environmental initiatives would have
been able to bring about such a state of slowdown in human activity. Fortunately or unfortunately, the
pandemic has been a blessing in disguise, and according to me, the ‘rehabilitation’ of the environment has been
the biggest boon of all. The results were witnessed by the residents of Karma Lakelands, without a doubt!
Reconciling myself to the fact that I could not return home for that one night finally ended up into a two month
long curfew at our villa at Karma Lakelands. Cut off and secluded, I had a lot of time to do my own
introspection, which in turn, gave birth to some novel ideas.

I suddenly remembered that I had a Nikon D3 DSLR camera packed away somewhere at our Hotel on the
property. An excited trip to the Chalets to collect the camera, as well as ‘The Book of Indian Birds’ by the
famous ornithologist,
Salim Ali, was the turning point mental state during the days of the Lockdown. While definitely a ‘nature lover’, I
was not an avid bird-watcher like my parents. However, these 2 months in isolation taught me to get out on my
cycle at 6 AM in the morning and appreciate the little creatures and things around me that we all take for
granted. I observed birds endlessly, losing myself in their beauty and grace. The more time I spent around them,
the more I learnt about the various names, patterns of behavior and simple characteristics that made each species
so very unique.

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I was most amazed once to find a ‘Nilgai’ peacefully taking a stroll along our winding path of the Chalets.
At The time I truly regretted not having my camera or phone on me, but still ecstatic that I got to see the
beautiful animal – up close and personal!


Hooting and hooting. So many of them. Gliding between the Neem Tree and the Buddha Bamboo Tree
just next to the Chess Board at Under The Neem. By the sound of it, I could have counted at least 7-8 of them.
They paid a visit to #undertheneem almost every night, now that no lights were on and none of us were there
to challenge their shy nature.


Having collected at least 3-4 quills during my walks at Karma Lakelands, I finally had the opportunity
to lay eyes on one. It was evening time, just after 7pm and on a cycle round, it crossed the road right in front of
me. I stopped dead in my tracks to simply observe this animal we all see so rarely in complete silence and awe.

Those two months spent in complete lockdown – observing birds, slowing down and being in the present will
be cherished by myself for many years. It was a time when nature healed, rejuvenated and rejoiced while we all
took a back seat – for a change!

In my case, the bountiful nature within Karma Lakelands gets all the credit for me not going insane over those
memorable 62 days!

By Vanshika Ahuja

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