Karma Chalets

Do Your Karma

‘Karma’ is a Sanskrit word that literally means ‘action’ or ‘doing’. In Buddhist tradition, Karma means any action driven by intention, which would lead to your future consequences. The intention of your action being of great importance here.

Karma Lakelands was a name I used to hear from a very early age. Growing up, we visited this ‘distant’ land on different occasions. I recall running on what now is the second ‘Tee off’ with Aryadev, peeping down a well which was located under a gorgeous Banyan tree, attending an event where Hot Air Balloons dotted the undulating greens, and swimming in a pool with the company of frogs! Little did I know back then that this beautiful, lush landscape would become not just my place of work, but my source of happiness as well.

One evening, my mother, Anu Khurana, gives me a call back in 2015 while I was in second year of college and says “We are going to be starting a Hotel. I need you to design the logo!” A little taken aback by her ease and casual approach to what I considered was a considerably big move! I had the opportunity of joining hands with my mother in 2018 with the opening of the Cafe ‘Under The Neem’. New to the industry, but having a design background, I took the project head on. From day one, the philosophy was simple – do things from the heart. Something that I learnt from my mother. We left no stone unturned when it came to making the Hotel and the Cafe an extension of our home, and worked tirelessly to delight every guest that humbled us with their presence. Taking orders, seating guests and clearing tables – my father, brother and I, along with Chef Ravi Tej, another Director of Karma Chalets, ‘set the tone’!

Hospitality comes from the heart. There is no ‘language’ necessary to be warm and welcoming. If one feels it from within, it will resonate in action. So, this feeling coming genuinely from within me made the process quite simple. Drawing back to the concept of Karma, I truly believe that Karma Chalets and Karma Lakelands are products of good intentions. Its interesting, because I never gave much thought to the names. Now I come to realise the cycle.

I don’t know what fate it was that Karma Chalets fell into my lap, but I do know that everything is influenced by ‘cause and effect’. Awards are by-products that make one feel acknowledged and recognised for the hard work. However, the real reward is in seeing smiling faces, happy employees, and spreading joy and compassion as much as possible. In other words, practise good Karma. With this basic intention as the core of the culture and philosophy of Karma Chalets, I am humbled to say that we are reaping the fruits of our labour. I would like to thank my mother for practically ‘drilling’ this phrase into me – “You do your Karma, and the Universe will take care of you.”

By Vanshika Ahuja

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